Thursday, June 30, 2011

Indian monopoly in World Cricket UDRS system modified

India once again exhibit its monopoly in the world of cricket in the recently concluded ICC annual meetng in Hong Kong. So long India was opposing the UDRS ( umpire Decision review system ) stating that it was not error free. But with the other test playing nations insisting to apply the UDRS in all the tests matches India had no option but to accept it but with cerating changes and modifications.

India agreed on the condition the the Hawk eye technology cannot be applied and should be made compulsory if the two countries agree. On the otherhand the HoT Spot technology should be included in the URDS. The ICC knowing very well that India is the source of money and being the power house of the modern cricket had no option but to accept the conditions laid out by India.

The million dollar question is that how can UDRS be successful without Hawk Eye technology ? addition of Hot spot is no doubt a welcome step to make decisions more error free but Hawk Eye technology is now indespensable for certain decisions like LBW. without this technology it seems UDRS cant be applicable in case of LBW Decisions. This is all nonsense modifications.

India did it for its own benwfit as in subcontinent spinners play a vital part and major part of out is the LBW. So indian batsman who uses pads against spinners randomly will definately be benefitted from this .