Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Missouri Tornado kills 117 - Obama to travel to Missouri

Tornado killed 117 people in Missouri was the single deadliest twister in the past 60 years, according to National Weather Service.

President Obama will travel to Missouri on Sunday to assess the damage of a devastating tornado that killed at least 116 people in the town of Joplin. "We are here for you. We're going to stay by you," Obama said. Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon told NPR that the searches were being conducted "house by house, car by car, block by block" after Sunday's twister cut a swath of destruction through the town of 50,000 at the edge of the Ozark Mountains.Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Craig Fugate has already traveled to Missouri with other federal officials to coordinate federal, state and local recovery efforts.

A twister in Flint, Michigan, in 1953 killed 116 people, according to the National Weather Service. By Monday night, officials found 17 people alive. But many, including Will Norton, remain missing.